Blue Mountain Rest

Indian Lake Village: Ride Report 12/30/12

Indian Lake Village:

I took a spin around the Indian Lake village trails Sunday afternoon. For the most part, they were very rough, looking like a sno-cross track. I bolted over to 42nd and Broadway and discovered that nobody had touched that since yesterday, so I romped through the fresh powder past the old dump, but instead of hitting Lake Adirondack I turned back.

The lumps and bumps on S84 (Blue Mountain Trail) were softer and more forgiving, so I decided to make a run up to Rock Lake. There were several shallow mud holes, but I got by them without much problem. However, there was a HUGE mud hole (probably 3-4 feet deep) where the creek crosses Rock Lake Marsh. I wanted to snap a picture of that, but I had forgotten to put the SD card back in the camera. I didn’t venture any further, but I heard rider reports about the Newcomb trail ranging from “pretty good” to “like glass”.

After I got back to town, I went back to 42nd and Broadway to double dip on the powder. Then I ran “Little Canada” between Route 30 One Stop and Lone Birch. That trail was really bumpy until Sawmill Road, then improved slightly toward the Lone Birch. After playing in a few “private stashes”, I called it an afternoon after spinning off about 20 miles.

I didn’t ride the Sabael trail or C8 past Adirondack Mountain Sports out to Cedar River Headquarters. But judging by what I saw around town, I can’t imagine either of those trails being in good shape.

Trees are heavy laden with snow. It’s as pretty as a postcard, but beware of low hanging and fallen branches. STAY OFF THE LAKES!

Moose River Plains:

I haven’t heard any direct reports today. But by previous accounts, Moose River Plains is being groomed from Indian Lake end to the Inlet end.

Bottom line:

As of late Sunday afternoon, there has been no grooming in progress around Indian Lake village. I’m confident that better days are ahead and I’m looking forward to a long winter of fun. But at this point, most of the trail riding around the immediate Indian Lake area is the pits, unless you enjoy the sno-cross conditions or can make the escape to some powder pits.

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