Indian Lake Trailside Townhouse

Snow Cover Update 11/9/12 & Weather Outlook

Snow cover comparison 2011/2012 for November 9th:

Snow cover

The extent of Eurasian snow cover is somewhat less than the near-record expanse of last year. The biggest difference on OUR side of the Pole is the present healthy southern Canadian snow cover compared to last year at this time.

When will the snow cover get here?

Unfortunately, the little taste of snow we got last weekend may be our last for a while. The major circulation oscillations are painting an ugly picture:


Thru mid-November, the Arctic, North Atlantic and Pacific/North American Oscillations will be aligned in a “royal flush” to keep the cold away from the Adirondacks!

This panel shows why:

500mb mean

Going into Thanksgiving week, we’ll have a set-up that prohibits any penetration of Arctic air into the eastern United States. This alignment of the Gulf of Alaska Vortex, Polar Vortex and Iceland Vortex is absolute death if you’re looking for any kind of a deep freeze.

Is this time for snow lovers to panic?

My best answer: Not yet.

If this pattern ends up being a 2-3 week blip in the overall scheme, then I think we’re still on target for robust snow in December. BUT if this pattern holds into December then we may have a serious problem. We may find out where this is heading in the next few weeks.


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